Click here to view 70 photos taken by KC on DeepaRaya Tonymathon at Putrajaya on Saturday 21 Oct 2006.
As usual, I arrived at Bukit Aman (Kuala Lumpur) car park early on Sunday 22 October at 5:30 a.m. for an early morning 20km long run. The ground was wet after a morning rain and the air was cool and pleasant. Occasionally, with the wind blowing, there were a few drops of water from the tree branches above.
While waiting in the car and inspecting the surrounding, I saw Mr. Yee has started his run alone under the brightly lit street lights. That must be a lot of commitment and determination to drive his Toyota Altis all the way from Seremban and then run alone here. But after five minutes later, I saw him again. He must be having warm-up run looping around the Bukit Aman car park area.

A shinning Toyota Lexus that shimmered in the street lights later passed by the main road. There was a great contrast as the driver was a small-sized lady driving a huge vehicle. When I alighted from my car and walked towards the starting area, I saw the owner was Janet Chin from Permaisuri Area Group of Pacesetters Club.
While chatting with Bruce Wan and a few other guys, a lady runner driving a BMW 3 Series parked at the bay right in front of us. We noticed that one of the numbers of the car plate has chipped. Bruce suggested she should change the number plate. Without hesitation, she said she wanted to change a new car. We were having a hearty laugh as we interpreted that a defective car number plate resulted in changing to a new car.
95% of Pacesetters runners arrived in cars with many driving big and expansive cars. That was a reflection and good sign that Pacesetters runners are successful in their careers or lives.
I also saw Ms. Tamy, Soo and Khor who were back after a 2-week’s trekking trip in Nepal. According to Tamy, there will be photos reviews and appreciation gathering this weekend at her house with lot of exciting stories to tell.
Just before 6:00 a.m., I could see that there were exceptionally more runners this morning. The situation was quite amusing in comparing with Club President’s DeepaRaya greetings that published in the Pacesetters Club Web site. He mentioned that it is time to celebrate the occasion and stop running for a while. I believed those present that morning were committed in preparing for their Bangkok Marathon (26 Nov 06) or Singapore International Marathon (3 Dec 06), that included me.
My usual running buddies were there: PK Chan, Jason Chin, Chin YH. However, Meng and Weng were absent as their just did their running and cycling at Putrajaya the day before (Saturday 21 Oct). Miss Lynn Choo, who is running Singapore full marathon this December, was there as she wanted to complete her 30km run this morning. Since I could not introduce other lady runners to her in time, she was running alone. Fearing for her safety, I decided to temporary disband from the group and accompanied her, who ran at slightly slower pace.
On my way back from Sri Hartamas, I met Sonny Ng about one kilometer away. He was spotted with an attention grabbing greenish-yellow vests and shorts, and leading a closely knitted pack en route to Sri Hartamas. A quick glance at them, it reminded me of the photo above – running in style with similar arms swing. The only difference was that they were running in a cluster formation and not in a line. As I understand later, he was pacing with Teresa, Chooi Ling and other runners that will be participating in the Bangkok Marathon.

I met Ngae KH below the flyover of Jalan Duta (formally Bukit Tungku roundabout). He was running barefooted en route to Sri Hartamas. We stopped and chatted for a while. He is preparing for his Sahara 100km run. He ran 30km and cycled 60km the day before at Putrajaya organized by Tony (Penguin-3).
He was carrying a knapsack. At the back, it contained five bottles of water of 1.25 liter each; with one bottle in front and below it, two dumb-bells. Total weight was 12 kg and it was really heavy. BRAVO to NgaeKH, you have our support in this brave and special endeavour.
Back at Bukit Aman car park, I saw Francis Toh with a new macho look: with moustache and beard after two weeks of trekking in Nepal. I spotted familiarity: Chan Wing Kai, Club’s Photographer, also kept moustache and beard after his two weeks’ trekking in Ladakh, India.
It is really fun doing Sunday morning long runs that start at Bukit Aman car park. Not only that we will complete the necessary mileage, we also get to know more Pacesetters friends too. Besides, with endorphin in full circulation in our blood stream after the runs, most runners were engaging in lively, non-stop conversation that filled with laughter.
Next 20km run: Tuesday, 24 October 2006, 6:30 a.m. start at Bukit Aman car park on First day of Hari Raya Puasa.
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