To view photos by courtesy of Eric Teo, please click here.
To view photos by courtesy of Chee Chee, please click here.Written by Chee Wee
The highly anticipated annual 10km road race organized by the Ipoh KRI (Road Runners' Club) was held on Sunday, 20 November 2005. Most of the runners were looking forward to participating in this well-known event. This year's race was sponsored by a few sponsors that attracted higher turn ups. Hundreds of strong & fast runners indulged in the friendly & scenic route, making it the highly competitive 10km road race I had ever attended. This is my first participation in this so called "5-star" road race in the North of Malaysia.
From the records, a total of 854 participants were taking part in this competitive race. Out of 854 participants, there was a merely 17% of female runners. I wondered why there are so few female runners. We should encourage more female runners to take up this sport.
Journey to Ipoh's Polo Ground
Khee Meng arrived at Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur at 3.05am on 20 November Sunday morning as planned. We were supposed to have the delicious dim sum breakfast at one of the restaurants there. In the restaurant, we encountered many youngsters having morning breakfast too. I wondered whether they were having their breakfast or supper after Saturday night’s outing.
After having the delicious dim sum for our light breakfast, we were heading North to Rawang to fetch Terence. Right after we exited at the Bukit Berungtung's toll, we were stopped by the stationed Polices who demanded to inspect the driver's license. While Khee Meng was winding down the car's window, I saw another policeman who was standing at the back of police car. We told the policeman that we are going to Ipoh for the 10km race; he responded that "very bagus" (good). Well! He might think that these two crazy fellows who woke up in such an early morning for the participation in a 10km race, furthermore it is outstation? Anyway, it didn't take out a lot of our time to clear the road-block.
With Terence's presence in the car, we chatted a lot & talked about the late happenings (on Khee Meng's recent success & adventure in the most toughest marathon run in Phuket, Thailand in this year, etc), in a way to keep the driver fully awaked at all times under the misty weather condition. The thick mist really affected visibility and made driving difficult. We had to drive very slowly at certain stretches. Hence, we took turn to drive.
After struggling for nearly three hours of driving, we reached Ipoh's toll at 7:05am. Immediately we called Tony to give us the direction to the Polo Ground; but couldn't get hold of Tony. A bit of panic situation as we weren't sure which way to go at a traffic junction. All the sudden, I thought of Madam Chia who helps us on our registrations. I called her to seek her immediate assistance on the direction. She was so helpful to give a specific & quick way for us to reach the venue within 10 minutes. After the race, I thanked her personally on all the helps.
At the Starting Point
So hard to find a parking lot nearby; we got no choice to park Khee Meng's car at the far end of the road. We got out from the car & quickly changed into our running attires at that spot. After that, we eagerly looked for Eric for the bibs numbers at the starting area. Without much troubles, we spotted Eric who was carrying three goodie begs and ran towards us. We thanked him for the great helps. So now, we were having the items which we needed to detour back to the car for safe keeping. We walked back & pinned the bibs numbers on our running vests at the car park.
Having walking back & forth, I was feeling a bit of stomach ache & I must head to the public toilet. Khee Meng told me it is located at the other end of the park. Damn! it is really far from the starting point. I was feeling a bit of regret that I didn't do "the big business" at the highway's rest area. I decided to go to the public toilet for the quick release & it was very nice of Khee Meng who accompanied & waited for me there, just in case that I might get lost. We had only less than 8 minutes to jog back to the starting point.
Jogging along the road leading back to the starting point, we met many Pacesetters, Pacemakers & other friends. I told them that we came here with our own style. Someone asked: "What style?" We responded, "Commando Style". Hahaha! It was certainly an experience for me as I was having a bit of “runner’s high” even before the run.
Upon reaching the starting area, I met my colleagues who were there to support the race. We greeted each other & they asked me to win the race. I was puzzling with that remark as I am truly a 100% social runner. My weekly training is so minimal; furthermore, I don't do any speed work training. Personally, I always find that a short distance run is tenser & pressure especially if I am aiming for a personal best timing.
Nevertheless, I have two unspoken objectives to accomplish in this drizzling Sunday morning. One was to run the race as a Sunday morning training run for the upcoming Singapore full marathon which is just around the corner – 14 days to countdown. The next one was to compete the 10km race with my own capability & to see how I performed under the drizzling weather condition.
Race officiated by VVIP
We didn't manage to hear the loud music played nearby the playground because it is situated too far from the starting point. Anyway, it didn't bother me as they were so many familiars faces taking part in this race, resulting in a cheerful atmosphere. Furthermore, I was coming here to enjoy the run & cheerful atmosphere. Ipoh Township is well known as a place with a lot of shades & cooling weather due to its geological layout. I heard that this year's race route is different from the pervious year. We were running on a delightful through some nice scenic of Ipoh & we also passed by some cemeteries...but didn't to be scared off as it is bright morning & with a big group people.
At 7:30am, the race was officially started. It was officiated by Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Mohd Tajol Rosli Ghazali, Mentri Besar of Perak. It was a bit late to kick off the race at such time as the morning Sun already rose up in the sky & started to rain; we could feel the warm sunshine was shining on us.
Khee Meng & I were running together for the first 3km; we encountered many regular strong & fast runners; we met many Pacesetters members & friends. We didn't do much of warm-up exercise because we were so busy meeting friends. Anyway, in my mind, I was trying to comfort myself that I had done the slow running from the public toilet to the starting area. It is about a 1km distance & considered a warm-up already. Anyway, we intended to start the race with a slow pace. But, guess what? In spite of the thought, we were actually running with an increase pace from one km to next km. Feeling was great when we were showing with the fine drizzling. Water was gently splashing on my hair, face & shoulder. Cool, man!
From the first 3km, we were passing by the Hotel Heritage & Taman Budaya along Jalan Tambun. I was still running with Khee Meng & everybody was looking quit seriously to achieve their personal best timing. We were eventually spreading out ourselves.
Traffic was well controlled at this point. The volunteers strived to control the traffic in the well manner. I got to praise the Organizers for their well thoughtfulness by setting up so many volunteers to control the traffics along the route but not the last 1km.
U-turn (check-point)
We were required to make a u-turn after 5km distance. Along Jalan Thompson, the road was leading to the u-turn or check point, I was constantly looking at the opposite side to count those fast runners in my category. Feeling a bit excited that so many runners have passed me; but it didn't affect my run as I have different objectives to be here.
I didn't shout to those runners whom I recognized at the opposite side as I didn't want to disturb them. Usually, I would call up their names & cheer for them. But, this time, I gave them a high thumb up. Nevertheless, it was fun as we could see who were running ahead of us before making the u-turn & those at the back right after our u-turn.
After the 6km distance run, going out to the main road, Jalan Gopeng, stride by stride, I started seriously overtaking some runners before reaching the water station. Of course, it gave me a sense of achievement. Hahaha! In fact, I was trying to keep up with my consistent pace & secure the current position, but failed to do so. So, ended I have to fight for my own battle. I just wanted to complete the race within 50 minutes.
For the whole race, I was really enjoying the run & meeting some friends along the way. The route was quit flat & mostly run at the outskirts of the town which was good for runners to see the residential areas of Ipoh. In certain stretches, I was running side-by-side with a car & breathing in the carbon monoxide. But, I could feel some cooling fresh air especially in the cool morning weather. We were getting wet but luckily it wasn't such a heavy rain as my shoes didn't wet. Fearing that if the shoes got wet, it might cause some blisters at my toes.
At the finishing line, I was queuing up to receive the finisher medal, it was a long queue. Ronnie was walking by the finishing area & I called him immediately to ask him about the finishing time; then I met Eric who was there to cheer for the runners.

Right that getting the medal, I rushed to meet Khee Meng for changing my attires & getting my camera from his car. Certain part of field was full of water & it was difficult to walk around the field. My shoes were full of mud. Muddy shoes!
At the starting/ending area, I walked around greeting and talking to Pacemakers & other Pacesetters members. At the same time, I was busy taking photos of "scenery" & friends. Overall, the race was quit well-organized; everyone went home with the unique finisher medals & treated with a wonderful breakfast & refreshment.
Ron Hill's Autograph
At 10:30am, we were lucky to meet Ron Hill, the winner of Boston Marathon in 1970 and the first Briton to run a marathon under 2 hours & 10 minutes, nearby the podium. We took some photos with him. He is a friendly person but I didn't have chance to talk to him. I felt a bit sad that didn't attend his talk on Saturday afternoon. Too bad, otherwise, I could learn some running tips from him. Nevertheless, his signed his autograph on my KLIM 05's finisher t-shirt. While he was signing on my chest (I meant the t-shirt), I told him that I took part in this year's KLIM. He responded that was it under the hot & weather condition. I answered "yes, it was, but we started the race early". Ha! I forgot to invite him to join us in next year's KLIM.
Conclusion Will I be coming back for the race next year? Why the events organized by KRI are always maintained with high standards and professionalism.
Chee Wee (Penguin-11)