Sunday, September 23, 2007

Adventurun 2007

ADVENTURUN 2007 - Make A Difference, Run The Distance

Sky Adventure Club of Taylor's Business School of Subang Jaya is organizing a charity run aims towards fundraising for the Malaysian AIDS Council. Details are as follows:

Event : ADVENTURUN 2007
Venue : Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam, Shah Alam
Date : 7th October 2007 (Sunday)
Time : 7am-11am
Distance : 10km
Registration Fee : RM15 per person

Please cleck here (Pacesetters Club Website) for more details and download registration form. According to Mr. Boey and Mr. Leong, the Organizing Chair Persons of this run, they will set up a booth at Bukit Aman car park next to Pacesetters' booth on this Saturday (29 Sep) and Sunday (30 Sep) to facilitate the registration. They will be there from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

All proceeds from ADVENTURUN will go towards the Malaysian AIDS Council (YAYASAN AIDS MALAYSIA). This run is open all individuals aged 13 and above under 4 categories:

A - Women 21 and below
B - Women above 21
C - Men 21 and below
D - Men above 21

Medals will be awarded to the top 3 winners of each category. Besides doing your bit for charity, all runners will also be handed certificates at the end of the run along with loads of freebies courtesy of our sponsors.

The itinerary is as follows:

6.30 - Reporting in and warm up
7.00 - Category A & C flag-off
7.15 - Category B & D flag-off
10.00 - Closing off of ADVENTURUN trail and band performances
10.30 - Prize Giving Ceromony
11.00 - Event Adjourned

For any further details, please contact:

Boey Winson +6017-630 3816
Leong Sai Hou +6016-229 6117

Note by KC: Since it is a charity run, let us do our bit by supporting this event. Let us not be too demanding by asking for this and that (eg. T-shirts, isotonic drinks, etc). The more money is spent on these items, lesser amount will go to the charitable organization. Besides, the organizers are college studens and might not be able to accommodate certain request.

When was the last time that you run at Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaha, Shah Alam? Or when was the last time that you have been there? I have been there only twice: the first time was when The Star newspaper showed The King was in the Four Seasons Sanctuary where the season at that time was in winter. That Sunday, the entire park was packed with maximum crowd all wanted to try what it was like in winter. When we reached there, we could only see through the glass panel and visitors were not allowed to enter the exhibition area.

The second time I went there must be at least seven years ago. Since I joined Pacesetters Running Club, no one or Club has ever staged a run in that Park of Shah Alam. Even at that time, I would think running in the park would be an excellent idea.

So, one Sunday morning, I took a consultant from Germany, 50 plus, who was involved in a computer system project, to that Park. En route from Kuala Lumpur to Shah Alam, I took him for Ampang Yong Tau Foo in Subang Jaya (since I live there) for early lunch. In the packed restaurant, he observed and mentioned: There aren’t any old folks around in this town. Yes, I must admit that Subang Jaya is a vibrant town where the inhabitants are mostly working class people who are in their prime time.

This consultant must have a cup of coffee in the morning. So one morning in the pantry of my department, after mixing the ingredients and hot water, there isn't any spoon around. So he took out his cigarette lighter and started to stir the drink. What an ingenious idea.

Posted by KC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the publishing of the Adventurun post. Your endless help is very very much appreciated. Thank you sir.

Boey Winson and Leong Sai Hou