Zhineng Qigong (USJ Centres) Annual Dinner: Nite of the 60's @ Grand Imperial Restaurant, USJ 19 City Mall on Saturday, 26 January 2013.
Do click here to view or download 175 photos (Album #2 of 2) courtesy of yours truly (KC Leong). When in Picasa photo album, click Slideshow, hit F11 key for actual large displays.
Good fortune from the Fortune God (in Part 1) … lots of “gold” and lottery tickets for a very Fattt 2013 Chinese New Year
Contestants for Karaoke singing competition … Team A: Michael Leong and Caryn Keong; Team B: Samantha Tee and Yip WC; Team C: Brenda Lee and TungCH
Yeah, Team A is the choice for this table … background: the cameraman’s tool standby for the group photos later.
The champion for the Karaoke contest is Samantha and Yip from USJ 4 Centre.
Group participation -- busy identifying the names of songs being played by the Master of Ceremony
Engaging the audience -- the accomplished Master of Ceremony, Mr. Jeff Yong entertaining the crowd with his dynamic and humorous delivery of announcement and showmanship
The winner for the songs identification game
Best costume competition for men … before standing at the podium, a contestant has to dance to the tune of the song in 60’s pre-selected by the Master of Ceremony. Yours truly (KC) in the middle.
Cheers of approval from the audience
Champion of the Ladies’ Best Costume competition … Lee Choo receiving the prize from Liow Kim Heng laoshi, President of Persatuan Senaman Zhineng Qigong Malaysia.
TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH! … A toast to the diners by the Organizing Team
Part of the members for this group photo
The USJ Annual Dinner Organizing Team … See You in the next Annual Dinner!
Do click here for Part 1.
Do click here for all Zhineng Qigong activities involving yours truly. This posting could be repeated, scroll down the pages.
Do click here for official website of Persatuan Senaman Zhineng Qigong Malaysia.
Cameraman and Posted by KC Leong