Event: A trekking trip to Gunung DatukDate: Saturday 25 July 2009Please click here to view photos taken by yours truly (KC Leong)(click Slideshow; F11 key and then click Fullscreen)
The person-in-charge of registration (left). According to him, the Police, during routine inspection of attendance, require every trekker to register for accountability and safety reason. Each trekker is to pay RM3 ... PK writes while Fiona looks on.

Group photo at base of G. Datuk: Front (L-R): Huey Ling, Shirley, Alexis, Yong's wife, Angeline.
Back: PK Chan, Henry Chan, Rocky Dan, SC Yong, Fiona, Joseph, WongFK, Henry, Jayne Aw, TanPL

Lush greenery: Due to the dry weather, no one reported bitten by leeches.

Fiona sharing the bread and houmous that she baked/made in the morning (just before she came). So your truly joked that she can 'guest star' and cook in the kitchen while on the trek in Mount Everest Base Camp (4 October 2009) ...
click here for more details.

A light-hearted moment while relaxing at the peak

An Arabic Night Queen?

Another group photo at the peak

Continue the ascent to big rocks... Jayne at foreground

More tough climb... high risk area!

Almost on top of the world feeling: (top to bottom) Wong FK, Angeline, Joseph, KC Leong, Fiona, Shirley, TanPL

TanPL (an EBC trekker) -- stretching to the point of no return

A good and hearty lunch at Rembau town after trekking... (L-R): Jayne, Huey Ling, TanPL, Fiona
.Note: This is part of the get-together training session preparing the Mount Everest Base Camp (EBC) team for the great trekking trip in Nepal on 4 October 2009. Yours truly is the EBC Team Lead.
Photos and posted by KC