Click here to read Part 1 of the training for Sundown Marathon by Jennifer ...
9th March 2009 (Monday) - 28km Training Run
I managed to run 28km on this holiday Monday! How is that for being disciplined?! Guess the Journaling works! Journaling compels me to follow the training schedule as I tick off the training plan.
I started early in the morning around 6:15am (Ok, that is not that early for eager pacesetters runners) and the scheduled route was nice and cool. By the time I finished it was around 9:15am and it was very hot as the sun is merciless! But definitely all that recent invitational dinners have given me loads of energy for the long run – now that is CARBO loading!

11th March 2009 (Wednesday) - 10km Training Run
Yes! I manage to run about 10km today – a nice slow steady run till the last 2 to 3km where I sped up a little bit. I even managed to do some core exercises after the run (best time to do it as body is already warmed up).
I met this other runner who decided to run with me and talk non stop and without knowing it, he was pushing me more and more to the side of the "track"/road..... I like to keep a little space between myself and another runner so I had to make a conscious effort to move to the other side so that he gives me more space. It was a good run, I enjoyed it as it was short and steady and I did not have to push myself....
Recently a few friends have commented that I have lost weight. I think maybe my face has shrunk a little from the past 2 months of slightly more intensive training or is it just the exhausted look? Ha ha ha

28th March 2009 (Saturday) – Long run
Mentally, long runs seem very daunting – just gotta grit my teeth and do it. My first 32km run for this training schedule – better start earlier in the morning or else the sun will truly burn my skin.
I am looking forward to this run, it is the first of the 2 scheduled 32km runs. If I make it through this one, then there is only another 32km run to go. I enjoy my long runs very much, I always start off a little negative (not so sure) but just “hang in there”, fellow runners running with me really helps and oh! Don’t forget the "rabbits/runners" or should I say “bunnies” to chase….
Another thing I look forward to is the sunrise which is very pleasant and you see the number of runners increase and change over a period of time. The camaraderie of the many runners – i.e. suffering together makes it easier and each tries to muster a smile or say “I am ok” when we all know we are not OK coz the legs just want to bonk!... finally, after 3 ½ hours, we FINISHED the long run…loading up on sports drinks and chocolates along the way helped us get through this “ordeal”.

During the week, I had contacted an old friend’s brother who had run a similar marathon to Sundown. He is an athletic young man as I remember him from school days so long ago. However due to his youthfulness, inexperience and "foolishness" (which he admitted) – he trained a maximum of 14 km to 16km for the long run as training for the marathon and therefore bonked at 25km but prior to that - his split time was about 26mins for every 5km. What potential! I must introduce him to the pacesetters and refer him to runnersmalaysia website and introduce him to several groups of runners.
Note by KC: If I were running in circuit, I would try the rabbit and runner method to gauge your speed and strength in running too. Then I would gather enough courage and ask (the ice breaker): Wah, you can run very fast ahhh?! What do you think of the ice breaker?
The reply: Breaking the ice by complimenting on the speed? Actually that is what most of the (male) runners would talk to a (female) runner for the first time. The "tactics" are universal and crosses borders – depending on the approach, probably works almost all the time……..
Happy Running