Monday, October 29, 2007
PC Sent for Repair
The PC in my house which has been running superbly for three years, finally "khong" (faulty). An initial check performed by a PC repairer, it is either the mother-board or the Pentium processer that has called it a day.
Postings will be resumed once my PC has been repaired. Meantime, happy running and training.
KC :-)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Training at Putrajaya

Putrjaya Boulevard with lots of green

The macho Ironman Lee
Yeah ... a pleasant morning run at Putrajaya
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Training for Powerman and SIM
I was informed that Pacesetters Club is not organizing any 30km training run this time in preparing for Singapore International Marathon ("SIM"). So, if you would like to train, you may want to try it there. The scenic but hot environment of Putrajaya is most “conducive” to train as the actual race (be it Powerman or SIM) is much tougher.

Date: Sunday 28 October 2007
Time: Start 7:00 a.m. (arrive at 6:45 a.m.)
Venue: Palace of Justice, Putrajaya Boulevard, Putrajaya.
For those who are participating in Powerman Lumut on 11 November 2007: Run 10km, cycle 60km, run 10km.
For those who are participating in SIM on 2 December 2007: Run 30km
For those who are not participating in any runs: just run.
. Refreshment
Light refreshment will be served at the water station: isotonic drink, plain water, fruits, ice, hot drinks. If only we could organise the training run at a wine yard, we can then say while serving drinks: “White wine or red wine, Sir?”
Fee per person is RM 5. This is to purchase the food and beverages, and chill them to the desired coldness when served.
Bib Number
Please bring along an old bib number for ease in identification when timers are taking your timing.
Volunteers are required to assist in manning water station and taking timing. If you would like to join in the fun, please come.
Tony Q: 016- 274 2213
Most likely, yours truly (KC) will be there to join in the fun and take photos.
Posted by KC
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Kuantan TC Run 2007 - Part 2

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kuantan TC Run 2007 - Part 1

Monday, October 22, 2007
Kingston Fun Walk

This morning's Fun Walk organized by Kingston Technology was quite warmly received by about 450 participants - going by the cheque of RM9,000 to the National Cancer Society - with Kingston donating RM20 for each participant who completed the walk. It was indeed very generous of Kingston to provide free registration, a goodie bag with a neat black T-shirt, Pen, Hand Towel and a squeeze-ball. Many lucky draw prizes after the run too.


Next to come was more upsetting. She physically blocked my way whilst still walking. If I walk a little faster, she'd come round and blocked my way again. Oh come on, woman! I told her straight-in-the-face "Don't worry, you go ahead and win. I do not know how to walk!" She did not have to be so uncouth. That is really unsportsman-like. You may think I am really moronic to give up RM500 without a fight. YES, I just did that! Ask me why? My so-called maiden fun walk is dampened. Yes, money is important but I'd rather give to someone who so desperately needs to win and belittle my walking skills just because she said she "is a walker and knows how to walk!"

Written by GL
File photos from Malay Mail Big Walk 2007
I then realized that most runners would have this problem when participating in big walk or walkathon. When we run, both the legs are above the ground; we are not used to the walking requirement. Since then, I would never want to participate in any of the walking event.
This is my reasoning: when we can run free, why must a runner be restricted by the stiff posture in big walk or walkathon?
Run free, as free as the wind blows …
Thursday, October 18, 2007
New Balance @ The Gardens
Note: next posting is scheduled on Wednesday, 24 October 2007. Have a good weekend.

All Pacesetters members are entitled to 30% discounts on purchase of shoes.
Outlet telephone number: 03-2283 2655
Jonathan would like to express his special thanks to Uncle Sonny Ng & wife, the superb PACM runners of Bukit Jalil Group, Leong Kwan Weng and family, Jason Lee (the photographer), Gerald Pereira, Tang Kit Mun for their continual support, and also all the supporters of New Balance's products.
All photos are by courtesy of Jason Lee.

Jonathan Lian, your friendly New Balance Outlet Manager
Posted by KC
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Four Times Postponement

I empathize with Tan Wah Sing when he wrote in his email: “We will have to re-schedule our event and a new date shall be announced in due course.” It is most unfortunate that MPK postpones to a later date that clash with another event. Isn’t it that there are many Sundays and why choose that Sunday?
A few minutes later, I received an email from another runner in the same email circulation group. He suggested that Pacesetters Club should not change the event date.

Immediately, I log on to the Pacesetters Club Event Calendar to check on the Kuantan Beach Run. Since the webpage is maintained by me, navigating through that page is fairly easy for me.
A check with the website, I was excited to see that MPK issued a notification below to postpone it to 20 October – on Saturday which means the two events do not clash!!
Pemakluman Kepada Semua Yang Terlibat Dengan Larian Pantai,
Larian Pantai Akan Ditunda Pada 20 Oktober 2007.
Sebarang Masalah Dan Kesulitan Amatlah Dikesali.
So, I replied highlighting the two different dates. On a lighter note, I said that for those serious runners, after running the Kuantan Beach run, they can then run the Pacesetters Kuantan TC Run the next day.
I may think that the wise man in MPK would probably understand the synergy effect of pulling the crowd when two events are staged on the same weekend.
Since it is not usual to stage runs on Saturday, my concern is that MPK actually meant Sunday 21 October and not 20 October.
Days later, I received emails from other runners pledging their support to the Pacesetters event.
A few days later, I received one email from MPK sent to Pacesetters Club Webmaster. (Note: emails that are sent to this mailbox are directed to me). To my horror, it is postponed to 21 October 2007. Wow! Wow! The two events clash now.
Immediately, I log on to Kuantan Beach Run website again to take a look. And to my surprised, it is now changed to 27 October 2007, the following Saturday after Pacesetter’s Club Kuantan TC Run.
This is quite an uncommon development that a running event has been postponed four times from the original 29 July to 27 October.
Though it is unavoidable for an organizer to postpone a run when the response is not encouraging, it is indeed frustrating to the runners. They would have planned and confirmed the hotel arrangement, especially for outstation runners.
As one runner said, when the organizer postpones the event twice, the organizer may as well drop the run. Let us hope that Saturday 27 October is a final date. And if the response is still not favourable, no one will be disappointed for an event that has postponed four times and it is still not forthcoming.
Written by KC
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Wet, Wet Gunung Angsi
I saw Pansy stepped into the water when she was almost reaching the other end while crossing the stream. Why wouldn’t she step on to the other bolder which was just above the water? I watched in disbelief and seemingly consumed by own thought while waiting for my turn to cross.
The water was about 1-2 feet deep and it was flowing swiftly due to heavy rainfall in the past few days. I surveyed the adjacent boulders for a dry landing spot as the nearest boulders were submerged in water. With the help of my “blind-man” trekking stick to maintain my balance; cautiously, I stepped forward.
“Ahhh…” before I could react, I slipped and fell with my back landed in the water. I struggled for a moment to stand up, completely wet. “KC fell into the water!” I heard one of the trekkers exclaimed, and I really have a good laugh for the mistake. Luckily, my camera and handphone were not wet. Falling into a stream that way was my new experience.

We started the ascent at 9:15 a.m. on a Sunday morning on 14 October 2007. The mission is to trek to the peak of Gunung Angsi. Before the start of the journey, Tony, the team leader a.k.a. The Mountain Sifu, gave a short briefing to all. Any event would not be complete without taking group photos. It was such a huge group – 41 trekkers and Kenny’s cute little doggie.

Kathy was happily showing her new T-shirt bearing her name and lucky number.
To assume the role of a “sweeper”, I finally caught up with Kelly and friend. Kelly’s friend was trekking very slowly as she developed difficulty in movement. To ensure their safety, I accompanied them. We later met Miss Choi who was resting by the trail. At times, we tried to telephone the other team members to gauge their location. There was full signal as shown in the handphone but the telephone line was not through. Slowly but surely, we trekked up the numerous steep slopes.
Kelly’s handphone finally rang at 12 noon after numerous failed attempts trying to contact her friends who were way in front. Her friend, Kathy, told her that they have reached the peak of Gunung Angsi. As reported, one of the girl trekkers, however, sustained injury when she fell at the steep surface area accessible only by using ropes.

Kenny's doggie is on its way down
We stopped at the spot where we saw a few of the trekkers were on their way hurriedly going down. I saw Ming, MC, Kenny and his little doggie, Lee and a few others. Those were the fast trekkers.
At that moment, the sky started drizzling. We opened our backpacks looking for our raincoats and at the same time, we took the opportunity to have a light snack.
The rain seemed to start a little too early. On the day before, the torrential downpour started at around 5:00 p.m. Hopping that it would rain again only in the evening, we should have enough time to return to base.

Mun Yee and group is boiling water and making tea in the rain (at the peak)
As told, we would require about another half hour to reach the peak. Since it started drizzling and other trekkers were on their way down, we decided to descend. We were donning raincoat most of the time. With the rain, we were wet anyway: either from the rain or from sweating profusely as it was like having a sauna inside the raincoat. I felt a little better. Even if I did not fall into the water, I would be completely drenched too.
The models are displaying the latest fashion for wet season ... :-)
Trekking in the rain was also a different kind of experience. All were quietly walking down the slope by placing one foot in front of the other, mechanically. With the raincoat covering the backpack, a trekker would look like a hunchback person supported by a stick (the trekking stick) when viewed from behind.
With much difficulty, we finally reach the base at 3:30 p.m. We saw Tony was sitting at one of the unused stalls waiting for us. He must have been waited for long time as his hair was completely dried after taking his bath. We then went to clean ourselves while waiting for the others to return. Finally, the last batch of trekkers safely returned at around 4:30 p.m.

Yeah, all safely return to base
Jason told us that the peak was at times covered with clouds. They were up there briefly as it started to drizzle. Part of the lunch pack – the bread – which was carried by Kelly, was not able to reach the peak.
As for the girl trekker, she fell because the rope snapped. Her head hit against a sharp object that caused much bleeding. Tony was there to render help. She was later sent to a nearby hospital by her friends. She underwent outpatient treatment and received a few stitches for the cut.

This time, I was lucky – I was not bitten by any leeches. Pansy, however, was attacked by a leech at the inner thigh that caused much bleeding.
We later adjourned to Seremban for the famous Grill Crabs. The restaurants were full of people even at 5:30 p.m. True to its name, the food was superb and delicious; possibly, we were hungry. Or maybe we felt good to reward ourselves after achieving our goal.
Chooi Lin bought a pair of new trekking shoes costing RM 280 from New Balance at The Gardens, Mid-Valley City.
Written by KC
Monday, October 15, 2007
Trekking up Gunung Angsi
Event: Trekking up Gunung Angsi on Sunday 14 October 2007 with a 41-member group.


Thursday, October 11, 2007
Bazooka Lens

Hon You is holding the magnificient lens
Normally, focal length of this long is good for taking wildlife or motor-sports. Part of his intention to buy this length is to take runners in action. So far, most of the zoom lens own by the other photographers (Chan Wing Kai, Tey Eng Tiong and yours truly) are only of 200 mm maximum.
With that long distance zoom, I presume we can even see your pimples, if any. Also, a runner would not know when his or her photo is being taken. By the time a runner spotted the photographer and start to put on the smile and V-sign pose, the photo would have been taken earlier. Looks like we need to erect a banner that says: “Please smile, you are now in the firing range of the photographer.”
In order to appreciate what it takes to hold the lens weighing 4 kg for the duration when you return to the finishing line, try this experiment: park your car 200 meters from your favourite fruits shop. Buy RM 10 of mango or mangosteen. The quantity is usually 3 kg. Then carry it to your car. You will find that the weight is increasing exponentially to an unbearable level when you arrive at your car. Now try holding 4 kg for, say, two hours.
In the sports of running, not only that the runners need strong legs to support the body, the photographers need strong arms to support the lens. By the way, the camera body is another one kilogram in weight.
I read one report not long ago that a lady traveller went to a remote village of an under-developed country. She was tailed by a group of teenagers wanted to rob her. Sensing danger, she immediately whipped out her camera attached with a magnificent lens of more than one foot long and pointed at them. They were scared to hell and dispersed. So, a huge and long lens can be mistaken as a bazooka.
As to the price of Jason Lee’s lens … better don’t ask.

Written by KC

Jason Lee in action

New Balance new outlet at The Gardens, Mid-Valley City
Pacesetters members are entitled to 30% discounts on purchase of shoes
Outlet Manager: Jonathan. Tel: 03-2283 2655
Photos by courtesy of Jason Lee
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