Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Johor Hiking Part 2 (Kluang)

Johor Hiking Part 2 (Kluang) from 28-30 Sept 2024 (Sat-Sun-Mon) ... covering Lata Tengkorak Waterfall, Trans Gunung Berlumut - Rimau, Trans Payong. 

Team members:

KC Leong, Amy Chan, Chan How Nean, Felicia Hew, Iris Lee, Jen Nee, Josephine Lee, Kellie Wong, Mei Chew, Rachel Thang, Rose Cheong, Sabrina Lim, TongSH, Vandy Yap, and Wey Tyng.

Mountain guide:  Apul +0116 386 6225

Do CLICK HERE to view 109 photos by KC Leong.

Day 1 hike to Lata Tengkorak Waterfall

Day 1: 

Lata Tengkorak waterfall and BBQ at Hutan Lipur Gunung Belumut.

Entering into the forest reserved areas of Johor
Lata Tengkorak Waterfall
Having fun and good time at the waterfall
Delicious BBQ fish and chicken prepared by mountain guide, Apul
Day 2 start of Gunung Berlumut and Gunung Rimau trans-peak hike

Day 2: 

Reversed trans Gunung Berlumut and Gunung Rimau

G. Berlumut elevation: 1,010m;

G. Rimau elevation: 889m;

Distance : 16km; 

Elevation gain: 1,600m;

Total duration: 10 hours.

The trails are wide and clear with the yellow-earth ground. A total of four sections or check-points (CP) to arrive at Gunung Berlumut peak. CP1 section is mostly flat and CP4 section is steep and difficult; with CP2 and CP3 sections gaining elevation gradually. 

Group photos with other team members and guides
An imposing view - At CP4 section, there is one area where we could see the peak of Gunung Chemendong. It take another 4 hours from Gunung Berlumut peak to this peak.
The terrain of CP4 section 
At CP4 rest-area, this is the only place along the trails where there is water source. Apul makes coffee and cooks instant noodles for all. Two thumbs up to Apul !
The peak of Gunung Berlumut ... Rachel Thang with Apul's 10-year-old son who hiked with us swiftly until the other peak (Gunung Rimau).
Gunung Rimau peak - from the peak of Gunung Berlumut, it takes another 1 hr 30 min to arrive here; to return to G. Berlumut peak, another 1 hr 30 min. The V-shape terrain is steep.
Mist and sunbeam - During Day 2 of Gunung Berlumut-Rimau hike, heavy rain started at 2:45pm. At that time, Mei Chew and I were at CP4 section, still have about one-third of the CP4 distance to descend. This section is steep and steps are wide, also requires both hands to hold on to the ropes. With the mud water gushing down the same trail blocking the view for proper landing ground, it was indeed a tough challenge. After about one hour in the rain, at around 4pm at CP1 section, we saw the rays of sunlight shined through the foliage and the mist.
Day 3 - start of Trans Payong hike 

Day 3:

Trans Payung at Parit Sulong

(Bukit Botak, Bukit Berdiri, Bukit Payong)

Distance : 5km;

Total duration: 4 hours.

Moss growing on rocks that gives a rusty-orange appearance
(Left) Rose Choeng, Vandy Yap, Felicia Hew, Josephine Lee, Jen Nee
Rachel Thang and Jen Nee
Kellie Wong and Amy Chan
A final group photo at Bukit Payong
Late lunch in Muar town at 4pm. 

Do Click Here to view photos of Johor Hiking Part 1 (Kota Tinggi) from 10-12 June 2023. 

Kluang famous tau sar peah (豆沙饼) - the team ordered a total of 70 packets of the pastry from Tong Huat's Confectionary as take-home souvenir with the help of Felicia Hew whose hometown is from Kluang.

Posted by KC Leong

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