Event: Trekking at Gunung Irau, Cameron Highlands
Date: Saturday 20 September 2008
Start Time: 10:40 a.m.
Stay tuned for more photos taken by yours truly (KC).
.Timing:Start: 10:40 a.m.
Arrive at Peak: 1:40 p.m.
Duration: 3 hours
Rest: Half hour
Start Descent: 2:10 p.m.
Return to starting point: 4:55 p.m.
Duration: 2 hour 45 minutes
A group photos (23 trekkers) before the ascent (this photo is by courtesy of Chan Wing Kai)
Back (L-R): Jason, Michael, Karen, Yong, Cynthia, LimKH, Rose, Rija, Tan, Macy, TehKS, Chey, Tony, Pei Ling, Kathy
Front (L-R): Vincent, Kevin, KC, Kelly, Beh, Agnes, Beh, ChongYF
What a cold morning! The moment we arrived at the starting area, everyone is busy putting on jackets.

A short briefing on DOs and DONT's by the Mountain Sifu, Tony Q
At mid-point: ChongYF is boiling water and preparing for some green tea

Yes! Have some tea, please ...

Fellowship of Trekkers - The mossy effect of the trail, very much like the movie, Lords of the Ring. L-R: Lim, Cynthia, Karen, Chey, Agnes, Rose

Rija who is facinated by the unique landscape

The All Women's Team - Yeah! After three hours of tough climb going through muddy ground, the team finally arrived at the peak.
L-R: Rija, Beh, Cynthia, Karen, Kathy, Kelly, Agnes, TehKS, Beh, Rose, Pei Ling, Macy

Another group photo with Chey and yours truly (KC) at both ends
Paper trail - the improved version. The plastic sheet is securely fasterned on to the branches. With the number, a trekker would know the relative location and distance. With the date, we know that it is current, for the specific purpose of arriving at the peak. Thanks to Tony and ChongYF for the excellent work!
Three years ago, when I first trekked at this trail, we used paper trail that spread on the ground (by a leader). When the wind blows, the paper would be dislocated that might confuse for the correct direction.

Hot drink is ready when we returned to the base at around 5 p.m. Thanks to Chan Wing Kai who helped to set up the utensil.

At times, the view is misty
Pei Ling - Yeah! I finally return!

Tony, the Mountain Sifu, confirmed that all retuned safely to base. Three years ago when Tony, Meng, the late Terence and I went trekking at this trail, one trekker (girl) was missing at 6:30 p.m. when the sun was about to set. At night, it was pitch black in the jungle. It was quite a panic situation. We eventually found her at 10 p.m. at night while the other trekkers were waiting at the car park in cold night.
.Posted by KC