Click here to view photos of some of the sunshine runners.

Click here to view photos of some of the sunshine runners.
Shukri and Lia. She just bought a new Nikon D40x. I jokingly told Lia that when a new runner mixes with marathon runners, eventually, he/she will run a full marathon. Likewise, mixing with photographer who owns long tele-photo lenses, the new photographer will one day buy expansive long lenses too.
Pomp and Splendor
Just before the Feature Race, the Pit lane was opened: the support crews, photographers and authorized spectators are allowed to walk on the road – the only road meant for cars racing.
It was started with a brief lion dance followed by cultural dances with dancers in vibrant colours. The drivers were then ferried in Lotus sports cars to parade the grandstand. The spectators cheered and applauded happily.
The Umbrella Girls
The Umbrella Girls then marched orderly to the starting grid, one per car, while waiting for the A1 racing cars to position themselves. Then, all support crews went to their cars respectively, each team carried their spare tyres and equipment on the pit lane. It was quite an unusual sight to see so many people on the pit lane, where being there at the wrong timing could mean fatal accident and be famous worldwide for the wrong reason.
10 minutes before the starting time, the support crews still have not even mounted the tyres on to the sports cars. After all, what is the hurry… they could change the tyres and refuel at pitstop in less than 10 seconds. I sensed that they waited until the last moment to determine whether to use dry or wet tyres - a tactical move.
Performace of cultural dances before the start of Feature Race
Alex Yoong
After the off-track mishap, our handsome hero, Alex Yoong was almost at the last of the pack. The first car that returned to pitstop after the first lap, unfortunately, was the Malaysian car. During the mishap, the nose cone and the front wing assembly were affected. The support crew worked swiftly and he was quickly ridden back on track.
With determination to get a better position and with the support from the Malaysian spectators who clapped and cheer every time he went past the grandstand, he surged on and was progressing well overtaking at least five racing cars.
The pitstop for Malaysian Team
Light-hearted Thoughts
Girls and mean machines are the excellent combination – just temporary forget about the guys behind the wheels. When the umbrella girls were marching steadily towards the pit lane, the crowd started cheering, much excited when the A1 cars were zooming pass.
After witnessing their duty standing under the hot sun, I fully understood why that role was so important and it has been there since I played with toy racing cars since I was small.
Four tyres for dry condition; four for wet.
The girls with the umbrella actually provide the necessary shade for the drivers who were all dressed up; at times, for herself. For our hot and humid weather, we would not be able to within one minute without air-conditioning in our cars. I am not sure whether there are air-conditioning in the A1 or F1 cars. Since the small umbrella was only mean for one person, I presume one day, I hope no one will expand the requirement to provide shade to the other crew members. When that requirement arises, the girls will have to carry the ‘pasar malam’ (night market) umbrella, which is bigger. Then we will change the title from Umbralla Girl to Pasar Malam Umbralla Girl – First in the world.
Parade of drivers on Lotus sports car
Many months ago, I heard a joke from a comedian: Generally, the Malaysian drivers are very KPC (busybody). Whenever there is an accident, they will slow down – to look for the affected car number plate to buy 4D (numbers for gambling). Why our Alex Yoong can never win in Grand Prix? Because when there is an accident in the race, he would slow down to watch. In this Feature Race, unfortunately, he was involved in the mishap.
Heart-to-heart talk
Type of Events in This A1 GPClassic Cars Race
I was there at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday 25 November when the Classic Cars race has already started. The roar of the machine was as loud as the A1 cars, and could be heard 500 meters away before the car appeared. Without looking at the racing cars, one would think that the A1 race has started. The most interesting thing to note was that the make of the cars was at least 20 years old. I saw one Ford Escort (which we only see it in small town) that could race very fast. Most likely, it has a heart transplant and powered by a V8 engine beneath the bonnet.
Support crews and authorised spectators on pit lane
Supersalaoon Cars Race
These are the cars that we still commonly see on the road: Satria 1800cc, old version of BMW 3-series, Honda Integra, etc. But after a few laps, a few of them either emitted smoke from the exhaust pipe, or worst still, the whole engine emitted smoke. A few were seen retired earlier due to mechanical problems.
An interesting scene I saw was that one car was tailgating another very closely. It was quite amusing that since there was no marking of lanes as in our PLUS Highway, the driver behind was free to change lane and surged on. To my amazement, the car in front was actually swaying from left to right – probably busy looking at the back mirror – to prohibit his competitor from overtaking. They must be in the wrong type of sports! Or they still thought that they were driving on the PLUS Highway.
Crowd and Support
The support and responses from Malaysian are not very encouraging. The spectators only started to come in at 1:00 p.m. to witness the main race at 3:00 p.m. In the morning, the number of spectators was really appalling. As I understand, if the crowd is not huge, Malaysia may loose the opportunity to stage in the circuit.
As for the Qualifying Rounds on Saturday, the day before, the responses were even worst! I guessed it could be less than 300 spectators!
Time for celebration
I was glad that it was my maiden support for the motorsports. I should have been there at Sepang F1 races a couple of times ago. Thanks to my friends, Shukri who showed me the way last Saturday for the trial run of Motorcycles GP 2008. So for the two consecutive weekends, I have been to Sepang F1 Circuit for three times.
From now on, not only that I will record all the running events in my dairy, I will include all major Grand Prix events at Sepang F1 Circuit too.
Written and posted by KC
To have a glimpse of the runners, please click here to view their photos. You can also click at the photo above. Yes, only one click to see all the runners listed here.
The three photographers who will be taking photos are: Chan Wing Kai, Jason Lee and Hon You. So, make sure you smile for the cameras when you spotted them zero-in on you.
As for me, I just relax at home this time after running three consecutive marathons in SIM since 2004. I just sit back and process the photos from the photographers and the stories from the runners. Quite interestingly, my best timing was achieved in SIM 2004 that clocked in at 3 hours 51 minutes. My other six marathons were exceeding 4 hours.
15 runners in the list below will go to Singapore on Nov 30 (Friday) at 11:59pm by Transnasional Bus from Kuala Lumpur. Steven P5 bought the bus tickets. When he went to check on Saturday 10 November, there were only three tickets left for that bus. By now, I presume all were fully taken up.
Wishing all runners a good run in SIM. Have a pleasant trip and an enjoyable stay.
Angie Ng (maiden attempt)
Boon Lian (maiden attempt)
Janet Tan (maiden attempt)
Josie Yap (maiden attempt)
LiziLim (maiden attempt)
May Sun (maiden attempt)
Moira (maiden attempt)
Wong Chee Sum (maiden attempt)
Chooi Wan
Elaine Wong Kar Yan
Hooi Fang
Lim Peck Yah
Yeoh Siew Choong
Mike Lim (maiden attempt)
Raymond Lim (maiden attempt)
Chin YH
Christopher Jong
Jason Chin Penguin-12
Lim Fang Woei
PK Chan
Steven Penguin-5
Yeoh Ay Chwen
Eng Chai Mey
May Ching
Ng chooi Lin
Tammy Lim
Chan Wing Kai
Jason Lee
Hon You
(red=girl; blue=guy)
Posted by KC