Johor hiking from 10 to 12 June 2023 (Sat-Sun-Mon) covering Gunung Pulai (Day 1), Trans Panti (Day 2) and Gunung Lambak (Day 3 at Kluang).
Round trip timing: G. Pulai = 6 hr; Trans Panti = 7 hr 30 min; G. Lambak = 4 hr.
Do CLICK HERE to view photos courtesy of yours truly, KC Leong.
At the start of Gunung Pulai hike
Team members: KC Leong, Chan How Nean, ChongYF, Derrick Tan, Ng LK, Josephine Lee, Mey Wong, Pearly Tan, Rynn, Sabrina Lim, Iris Lee, Wey Tyng, Carrin Kan, Swee Khim.
Gunung Pulai – the peak is a Telekom transmission tower; certain part of the trails is walking by the side of a stream; there are a few waterfalls on the descent journey.Batu Katak
The group needs to descend this waterfall with the help of ropes
Looking up from the pool below
Another waterfall for this Gunung Pulai hike
Start of Trans Panti from the East
Trans Panti – we took 2 hr 30 min to arrive at the trail head (east) that involved driving our cars and taking the specially arranged 4WD. Traversing from east, to middle and then to the west, this trail would lead one to the Transformer Rock. After 5 hours of hike, we arrived at a nice rest area – complete with tables and benches – overlooking other mountains. The descent journey involved a near vertical drop in abseiling style. The trail head (west) is where Care Haven orphanage home is located where we parked our cars and took bath there.
The famous Transformer Rocks
Apul - the mountain guide from Johor
Mountain guide from Johor – Encik Apul (011-6386 6225) ... he is a good guide in ensuring the safety of all team members; he speaks fluent English; he also boiled water for making hot drinks; for those who are hungry, he even cooked Maggi mee.
A nice rest area up in the mountains (nearer to the west trailhead)
A near vertical rock of almost 50 meters in height
The Care Haven orphanage home at the trailhead of west trail (we parked our cars and took bath after the hike here)
Start of Gunung Lambak at Kluang
Gunung Lambak (Kluang) – this trail is a good exercising ground with the locals with wide and clear paths. The lower parts of the trail are running parallel with a stream with clear water. The peak of the hill is also a Telekom transmission tower. The original plan was to hike Pelepeh Kiri and waterfall (near Gunung Panti) but that venue was closed for maintenance.
At the peak of Gunung Lambak
A stream with cascades of clear water
Posted by KC Leong.