
Returning to Peninsular hotel (building with blue top) after collecting race entry packs (2006)
Pacesetters runners like to stay in this 4-start hotel because it is very near to the starting point of SIM. A mere 200 meters away, it is even much nearer than the distance from car park to the starting point of Kuala Lumpur International Marathon at Dataran Merdeka.
The room rates, however, have been skyrocketing every year: from about RM 200 equivalent (in December 2004) and now it is RM 400. Nevertheless, this is still the preferred choice for most runners.
Steven P5, after hearing the news, immediately started looking for alternative accommodation. He has to act fast because there are more than 10 runners in his group depending on his decision and action. He managed to ask around and one runner said there is accommodation in Bugis street hotel, only SGD 50 for twin-sharing room. Well, that is much cheaper than the Peninsular-Excelsior rate which is SGD 180. For runners, we just settle for a clean and comfortable bed, everything else is optional.
Josie Yap will be running her maiden full marathon in SIM 2007
Nothing compared to my experience when running the Pangkor Half Marathon a few years ago. Staged on a Sunday that coincided with May 1 long public holidays, all the hotels in Pangkor Island near Bogak Beach (the starting area) were all fully booked. So we ended up in a China-man hotel by the name of Chuan Fu Hotel – a double-story shop house converted into a hotel at the Pangkor Town.
My room at ground floor which was located at the back of the shop house was just next to a kennel. Luckily, the bull dog did not bark the whole night. The hotel was also full house with most Pacesetters runners putting up a night there. It was like the “lung moon hark chan” as in the Chinese sword fighting movie – Dragon Inn. All the fighters would assembler there for the night and prepare for the fight (the half marathon run) the next day.
.In unison: Weng, Hoo, Marvin, and Hoo brother
Bugis street hotel – if I am not wrong, I think Bugis street is famous for its red-light activities. Pardon me if I am wrong as my Geography is only as good as one of the world famous President. The red-light girls there will not understand why the Malaysian guys have no time for entertainment but just want to eat and sleep early. And the girls will be shocked to see semi-naked men walk out in the wee hours just when the girls (and guys) are going to “sau kung” (close shop) on a busy Saturday night. That must be a new kind of cultural shock for the girls/guys of Bugis street.
Anyway, Steven P5 called me again today and he said that there was a miscommunication. Pacesetters Club actually has reserved three rooms for him. Well, that ended the exciting story from Bugis street hotel.
SB Lai at Orchard Street (2006)
Meantime, enjoy your training and running. As for me, I will give this SIM2007 a miss while patiently waiting for my heel pain to completely heal.
Please click here to re-visit posting and view photos of SIM 2006.
Please click here to read the story of Pangkor Half Marathon and Dragon Inn Hotel written by yours truly on 5 May 2004. Strangely, all the photos in late Terence’s weblog (penguin-6) were not available.
Written by KC
Posted by KC
6:45 a.m. – Meet at Putrajaya, Palace of Justice
7:00 a.m. – Start
11:00 a.m. – End
For those who will participate in Singapore International Marathon:
Training Run: 25km to 30km
For those who will participate in Powerman, training is as follows:
Run – 10km
Cycle – 60km (6 laps)
Run – 10km
For those who would like to run at Putrajaya, just run.
Water Station: At starting point
Fruits will be provided.
All volunteers are welcome too.
A cheerful Chantelle Wong
Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Posted by KC
Start of the trail is in front of this bungalow
So far, there are about 20 trekkers going for this trip. The team leaders will be Chong YF, Tony p3 and yours truly.
This trip has been postponed as the original date clashed with Jacky Cheung's concert where yours truly and a few other trekkers were having good times enjoying in the concert.
Kelly and a few other trekkers would not want anymore postponement as they have been waiting for quite some time longing to trek at this trail. A pleasant trail in the cool environment of Fraser's Hill, the terrain is gradual and not too difficult; ascending journey takes about 3 hours.
As for Josie Yap, she went to Jonathan Lian's New Balance outlet at Pearl Point Plaza, Jalan Old Klang Road, Petaling Jaya, to buy a pair of trekking shoes costing RM 280. According to her, Jonathan printed her best photo in running action (from Pacesetters Club website) for her to endorse her autograph, much like a famous star.
Jonathan just sent SMSs to some runners notifying that the latest exclusive New Balance Store at Mid-Valley Garden will be opened for business on Wednesday 26 September. Other than the official opening, it will be graced by the runners!!
Please click here to read my previous story at Pine Tree Trail when I was training for my trekking trip at Nepal.
Posted by KC
So, one Sunday morning, I took a consultant from Germany, 50 plus, who was involved in a computer system project, to that Park. En route from Kuala Lumpur to Shah Alam, I took him for Ampang Yong Tau Foo in Subang Jaya (since I live there) for early lunch. In the packed restaurant, he observed and mentioned: There aren’t any old folks around in this town. Yes, I must admit that Subang Jaya is a vibrant town where the inhabitants are mostly working class people who are in their prime time.
This consultant must have a cup of coffee in the morning. So one morning in the pantry of my department, after mixing the ingredients and hot water, there isn't any spoon around. So he took out his cigarette lighter and started to stir the drink. What an ingenious idea.
Posted by KC
The audiences roared with excitement when the lights were turned off. It was an electrifying moment in the packed concert hall in Bukit Jalil National Stadium: the audience was screaming, blowing whistle, and swaying light-flickers from side-to-side. Yes, that was definitely a lively concert in darkness even before it was started.
At 8:45 p.m. – a delay of 15 minutes – an announcement over the loudspeakers declared the start of the sold-out concert. The multi-coloured lights at the stage were turn on, and immediately, it was followed by an explosive start of the show by Jacky Cheung in his concert titled, “The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour 2007”.
The audience erupted with a roar of approval again screaming Jacky Cheung’s name: Hock Yow! Hock Yow! (Cantonese version) amid thunderous applause and blowing of whistles loudly. The atmosphere was really super-charged. You have to be there – LIVE – to be part of the crowd and enjoyed in that concert.
I was attracted to this Hong Kong pop star Jacky Cheung’s concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Friday 14 September when I read in the Star newspaper (dated 6 Sept) that “only the best for concert by Jacky Cheung”. Before that, he canceled his show 15 minutes before the start of a concert in Hong Kong due to an unspecified illness. Though Jacky Cheung has performed a few times in Kuala Lumpur, that night was my first time watching him live in concert.
The Performance
It was a spectacular and breathtaking world-class concert with fireworks flames to add on to the excitement. It was a high-energy performance by Jacky Cheung and it was really a concert to remember. In between songs, he tested out his vocal power by screaming at the top of his lung. The audience responded by screaming in reciprocity but with much less assertiveness.
With so many hit songs, it was quite a bit of choice for him to choose which songs should be sung. The audience could sing along very well, whether they were Jacky Cheung’s new hits or all-time favourites. Singing and seeing their idol at the same time must have been an exhilarating experience.
There were five giant screens facing the audience for fans to enjoy the close-ups of their idol. As for me, I even used my binoculars to look at the giant screen to have a much bigger and clearer view.
Light-hearted Moments
In between songs, he told the audience a little of his family background and career. We were told that his father, uncle and cousin were fishermen who spent most time in the sea. So he spent much of his younger days with women (mother, sisters and aunties). When he got married, there were eight women in his house – wife, two daughters and five maids. So he said he understands women very well. He quipped: since he is a man, he also understands man too, much to the amusement of all.
He told the audience that he has been 23 years in his singing career since he shot to stardom at 23 years old. So, we all got his age correct. This is his 61st concerts appearance since 2007! What an incredible feat.
Apart from jokes, the words he said have a message to the audience: that we should strive hard amid adversity; the sweet success will come later.
Since it was an outdoor stadium, the most expansive tickets holders were actually under the sky with no shelter. It drizzled at times and I saw some of the spectacles were carrying umbrellas. Never mind, the feeling of getting so close to their idol would supersede the unpleasant feeling. Possibly, the fire in them would quickly dry up the wet clothing. Sweating profusely, Jacky Cheung said it does not make a difference to him whether it is the rain or sweat.
Four Heavenly King
Jacky Cheung is one of the Four Heavenly King of singers in Hong Kong. However, the term Four Heavenly King is used in different context in Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia Boleh: it is a vegetable dish with four different types of beans such as petai (local smelly bean), long bean, four-angle bean and egg-plant fried in sambal belajan. If our Heavenly Kings were to know that their titles were been abused, I think they would not be amused.
The Encore
After two and quarter hours in the concert, it was time to bid goodbye. With the lights at the stage all turned off, the audience all got worried. So there was thunderous encore calling his name and blowing whistles loudly amid light-flickers swaying frantically from side to side.
Almost minutes later, the stage was lighted and our idol re-appeared. The entire audience got excited again and broke into loud applause. This time, for every one song that Jacky Cheung sang, he signaled to the audience to gauge the acceptance level; so, the audience cheered loudly. That was a fair deal since he has been singing for hours. So whenever Jacky Cheung ended a song, the audiences gave their approval by shouting at the top of their lungs.
The encore lasted almost one hour from 11:15 p.m. That was my first Jacky Cheung’s concert and I truly enjoyed myself in that show. All shows must end. When Jacky Cheung sang this song about friendship, well wishes and farewell, a girl sitting at the front of my roll immediately got excited, much like hitting the jackpot, telling her friend that she guessed that song would be sung. Everyone in the concert was singing along with Jacky Cheung -- it was superb audience participation. That song really touched our hearts at that moment and I was worried that some of the fans might get hysteria. Luckily, it did not happen.
The stadium was lighted up when the song ended. We were enthralled and mesmerized by Jacky Cheung’s concert for 3 hours and 20 minutes. It was a fantastic feat that his voice still sounded refresh as though the concert was just started. Everyone left feeling happy and satisfied.
I made a right decision to watch Jacky Cheung in concert, postponing a trekking trip to Pine Tree Trail in Fraser’s Hill the next morning to Saturday 29 September. Well, looks like we will have to wait for another few years for Jacky Cheung’s re-appearance in Kuala Lumpur. This time, I will sure give my undivided support by buying his albums and practising how to sing.
Written by KC