Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Le Tour de Johor

By Penguin-2

Yeah, Penguin-1 and I had just purchased brand new biking jerseys for the Le Tour de Johor Duathlon race this Sunday, 31 July. So, as far as apparels are concerned, we are on par with the world-class cyclists similar to that Le Tour de France race, which was just ended last Sunday.
Comparing to Lance Armstrong’s racing bike, his endurance and skill,ahemm... we still have vast rooms for improvement. Lance Armstrong won his seventh straight Tour de France cycling race.
Let me share with you how we got these biking apparels: After the training at Putrajaya on 3 July 05, Penguin-1, LimFW (a biking enthusiast) and I were chatting with three Malay cyclists who were from Kuala Trengganu. We were spellbound by the beautiful and vibrant colour of their jerseys. It so happened that LimFW would be going to Kuala Trengganu for a business trip, and he was really kind to help us with the purchase.
According to LimFW, at Kuala Trengganu, he had to locate the Istana as landmark in order to establish the location of the bicycle shop. Without him knowing, there were two Istana there. He ended up choosing the wrong Istana to search for the shop. After much effort, he finally found the bicycle shop. It was a small shop. This little shop is quite interesting with all the bicycle frames and accessories hanging everywhere in it. A few national cyclists were seen frequent this shop also. The best thing was that the prices were very much cheaper compared to those selling in Kuala Lumpur.
Penguin-1 and I have been intensifying our bike training by going to the gym after work almost every other alternate days. So, we should be ready for the Johor challenge as psychologically, wearing a new jersey will also definitely boost up a person's level of self-confidence. For me, this will be my maiden Duathlon race.

By Penguin-2


John said...

Ayo! My saliva is flowing like waterfall now.

Must I get one just for running?

Keipo said...

All the BEST to you p2 and p1 !!

from pm22