Aiya, like that going for trekking would expect more wet ground
. . A few years ago, the full bloom occurred sometime around 22 August. Looks like they bloom twice a year.

Posted by KC Leong
.Aiya, like that going for trekking would expect more wet ground
. . A few years ago, the full bloom occurred sometime around 22 August. Looks like they bloom twice a year.
Posted by KC Leong
.I know how some of the first-timers in this group feel ... gosh, first time participating in Skytrex and going for extreme challenge !!
I was told that a few of the participants are so excited that they have slight difficulty in getting into slumber sleep a few days before this event. Well, the Skytrex Extreme Challenge event was successfully staged yesterday morning (Saturday, 26 March 2011).
The tougher (or higher) the challenge, the greater (or higher) is the satisfaction. BRAVO !!
Please click here to view photos taken by yours truly (KC) using a compact camera. . .
A group photo with the Skytrex bus as background in Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam. Leng (at left) is the efficient coordinator. .
In full gear – Peck Yah, Patricia Yap, Leng, Wendy Liu and Monsy.
Our ‘yow yeng’ Lara Croft . . . Another group photo before the extreme challenge . .
Pre-game demo – Okay, do inspect the pulley and carabiner (a metal loop with a screwed gate). It is so systematic that no one is turning to the other direction ... :-) .
Well... that can double up as Lara Croft’s gun ... :-) .
The first vertical climb – Patricia Yap ... cool and steady in climbing up the ladders to gain the necessary height for the game of Fying Fox. .
Another view of the first climb – easily 30 meters high. .
Please click here to view photos taken by yours truly (KC) on Saturday, 19 March 2011 .... click Slideshow, hit F11 for bigger display.
. The Darth Vader also making its presence here
Flame On !!
Yours truly (KC) with the Doraemon balloon from Japan